NTRU Prime IIT Ukraine encryption algorithm with consideration known attacks analysis

  • Ivan Gorbenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Оlena Kachko JSC «Institute of Information Technologies», Kharkiv, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • Maryna Yesina V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: NTRU Prime, End-to-End Encryption, Quotient Ring


The paper deals with the modern cryptographic transformations of the asymmetric end-to-end encryption type, namely – NTRU-like cryptographic systems. A new cryptographic system NTRU Prime IIT Ukraine was created based on existing cryptographic transformations of this type (cryptographic algorithms NTRU (ANSI X9.98-2010) and NTRU Prime). A brief description of this cryptographic system is given and an analysis of its resistance to known attacks is made. At the end of the work, conclusions are made and recommendations on the features, advantages and possibilities of using the new cryptographic asymmetric algorithm of end-to-end encryption NTRU Prime IIT Ukraine are given.


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Author Biographies

Ivan Gorbenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Full Professor, Academician of the Academy of Applied Radioelectronics Sciences

Оlena Kachko, JSC «Institute of Information Technologies», Kharkiv, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


Maryna Yesina, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Ph.D., Department SIST


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How to Cite
Gorbenko, I., KachkoО., & Yesina, M. (2018). NTRU Prime IIT Ukraine encryption algorithm with consideration known attacks analysis. Computer Science and Cybersecurity, (4), 4-16. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/cscs/article/view/10452

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