Interactions between xylenol orange and pinacyanol in aqueous solutions

  • Ya. A. Svishova
  • Sergey A. Shapovalov V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: xylenol orange, pinacyanol, dye, association, solution, light absorbance


The fact of association between the anionic forms of xylenol orange and the cation of pinacyanol in aqueous solutions has been set. It is shown that the interaction of ions is accompanied by the substantial reduction of light absorbance of the cationic dye.


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How to Cite
Svishova, Y. A., & Shapovalov, S. A. (2012). Interactions between xylenol orange and pinacyanol in aqueous solutions. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (21), 197-199.