Antioxidant activity of piridilgidrazones aromatic aldehydes

  • V. V. Vinogradov
  • A. N. Nikilaevsky
  • E. I. Khizhan
Keywords: piridilgidrazon, antioxidant, the stoichiometric ratio of inhibition, the period of induction, the oxidation of the emulsion


The kinetic parameters of anti-radical activity of piridilhidrazones aromatic aldehides in initiated oxidation of ethylbenzene have been investigated from chemiluminescence method. The studied antioxidants have considerably great values of constants of speed k7 in comparison with the ionol. In the conditions of autooxidation of ethylbenzene the efficiency of the studied antioxidants a reduce.

It was found that 3-piridilgidrazon-3,5-dimetil-4- hydroxy benzaldehyde interacts with cumene hydroperoxide. Regularities of inhibiting action of piridilhidrazones in heterogeneous systems are studied. Interaction of piridilhidrazones with НО radicals is investigated by a hemilyuminestsentny method in water solution. It is defined that piridilhidrazones show high activity towards НО radicals.

At the initiated azodiizobutironitril oxidation emulsion of ethylbenzene : water derivative of piridilhidrazones showed high antioxidant activity. In the presence of hydrophobic deputies in molecules antioxidants, increase the values of log P and increases induction period (τ/τ0). The inhibition of the initiated oxidation of dispersion phosphatidylcholine, piridilhidrazones show practically twice higher antioxidant activity in comparison with the ionol.


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How to Cite
Vinogradov, V. V., Nikilaevsky, A. N., & Khizhan, E. I. (2013). Antioxidant activity of piridilgidrazones aromatic aldehydes. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (22), 53-59.