Territorial expansion of foreign extraterritorial settlements in China (the second half of XIX – 1920’s.)

  • Олександр Олександрович Манохін
Keywords: settlement, concession, China, “open ports”, semi-colonialism, extraterritoriality.Keywords: settlement, concession, China, “open ports”, semicolonialism, extraterritoriality


The article is dedicated to the consideration of the genesis of the extension policy by foreign settlements and concessions in Qing and Republican China in the context of informal imperialism. The main aspects and methods of non-state expansion of (semi-) colonial actors are characterized and the degree of dependence of their actions on the policies of the metropolitan countries is revealed. Also, article highlight relationship between consular authorities, foreign community and their self-governing institutions, native Chinese compradors and local power, what creates opportunity to understand how informal colonial policy actually was realized. In an attempt to go beyond the historiographical paradigm of describing the “century of humiliation” period in China history as a product of the purely intentions of great power governments, we can see another, “human” dimension of semi-colonial politics in its refractions on the ground. Special attention to discover distinctions between metropolitan-baked and sanctioned by non-state institutions or persons “expansion” from formal settlements borders have been given. Different types of historical sources are considered and matched in attempt to find true motives and subjects or lobbyists of expanding foreign extraterritorial enclaves territory for the period of their existence.


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How to Cite
Манохін, О. О. (2020). Territorial expansion of foreign extraterritorial settlements in China (the second half of XIX – 1920’s.). Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 22, 71-78. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/apvvi/article/view/15883