The Bosporan Kingdom in the Administrative Organisation of Mithridates’ VI Eupator Kingdom

the problem of the vicegerent-dioiket’s identity determining

  • Альона Вікторівна Протасова
Keywords: Mithridates VI Eupator, The Bosporan Kingdom, Northern Black Sea Coast, administrative organization


The article is devoted to the analysis of hypotheses about the Bosporan Kingdom vicegerent-dioiket’s identity during the first two decades of the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator on the Bosporus through the prism of the ancient authors works, numismatics and epigraphy. Mithridates the Younger – the eldest son of the Pontic ruler Mithridates Eupator, who also was the vicegerent of Colchis at the end of his life, can be considered the most likely vicegerent of the Bosporus.

The hypothesis is confirmed by the words of Appian and coins of the Bosporan Kingdom, which have a monogram with the name of the vicegerent. An attempt was made to determine the boundaries of the strategy, which was supposedly led by Mithridates the Younger. Most likely, Mithridates the Younger was the vicegerent only of the Bosporan Kingdom itself, which is verified by numismatics. As a result of the research the following conclusions were reached: Mithridates the Younger was the vicegerent of the Bosporan Kingdom during the first two decades of the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator, the next vicegerent was Mahar – another son of Mithridates Eupator, which is confirmed in the work of the ancient historian Appian.


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How to Cite
Протасова, А. В. (2020). The Bosporan Kingdom in the Administrative Organisation of Mithridates’ VI Eupator Kingdom: the problem of the vicegerent-dioiket’s identity determining. Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 22, 24-32. Retrieved from