The USA foreign policy in the ideas of American Social Darwinists: main ideas, peculiarities and importance

  • Тарас Іванович П’ятничук
Keywords: Social Darwinism, expansion, Anglo-Saxon race, messianism, natural selection


This article is dedicated to expansionism in the American Social Darwinists' ideas. The general characteristics of Social Darwinism as a political and philosophical doctrine have been given. In the article the peculiarities of American social Darwinism have been analyzed, and the classification of its directions has been given. The author touches upon the problem of the influence of social Darwinism on the formation of the US foreign policy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.


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How to Cite
П’ятничук, Т. І. (2018). The USA foreign policy in the ideas of American Social Darwinists: main ideas, peculiarities and importance. Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 20, 38-45. Retrieved from