Development of the innovative potential of public service for providing high-quality and inclusive digital public services

Keywords: innovative potential, civil service, public sector, public bodies, civil servants, system-target approach.


The article presents the main idea that the development of innovative potential will significantly increase the efficiency of civil service and public administration. The analysis method used in the study allows us to conclude that the term ‘innovative potential of the civil service’ is not defined, but its basic component category - ‘innovative potential’ - characterises the innovative potential of the civil service from the resource-approach perspective. The obtained results make it possible to identify the main internal and external factors influencing the development of the innovative potential of the civil service, the understanding of which will help to increase the effectiveness of public innovation measures, in particular, in the Strategy of Innovative Development of Ukraine until 2030. Using the generalisation method, the author studies the practice of different countries (Brazil, Great Britain, Kosovo, Latvia, Finland, Romania) in creating conditions for preserving, developing and using the innovative potential of the civil service, including the OECD Innovative Capacity Framework, in which the innovative potential of the civil service is a combination of four structural components (purpose, potential, capacity, impact) and is considered at three levels: an individual civil servant/team, a  governmental organisation, and the administrative system as a whole. The article proposes a systemic and holistic approach to the development of the innovative potential of the civil service. It focuses on the full use of the potential of human resources, inter-institutional cooperation and digitalisation, which can help to achieve optimally positive results of the innovation process in the public sector. The basis for the innovative potential of the civil service, developed through the systemic and holistic approach, is laid by the idea common to all parts of this process i.e. purposefulness, continuity, perspective, and inclusiveness. The systemic and holistic approach involves the introduction of innovative methods of encouragement, in particular methods of influencing the consciousness and behaviour of civil servants, which stimulate the development of needs, abilities, and skills of innovative activity in the civil service.


Author Biography

Svitlana Gazarian , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administrfnion, Full Professor,

Full Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Public Service,

Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,

4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Gazarian , S. (2024). Development of the innovative potential of public service for providing high-quality and inclusive digital public services. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, 2(65), 268-283.
Public Service: Aspects and Practices