This article is a continuation of a series of articles devoted to research on
the global practice of digitalization in the field of public finance, as well as the potential for applying
promising digital technologies in this area. In this article, the author conducts research on foreign
experience of digital technologies in the budget process and based on the results, offers a conceptual
model as the basis for the digital transformation of public finances in Ukraine. As the part of this
research, the author has established that an important element of the budget process is a financial
control, which ensures the functioning efficiency of the state budget system and is a necessary and
mandatory procedure that accompanies all stages of the budget process, and technological support
of budget control procedures in the context of optimization of legal regulation of the budget process in
Ukraine, taking into account the experience of European countries, is the most relevant and promising.
The automated information systems, used for optimization of budgeting process in Spain
(systems Adenda, ATENEA, CANOA, BÁSICAL and, France (project Chorus and Chorus
Pro), local solutions in Belgium, Germany and Great Britain, and also domestic experience on the
example of AIS “LOGICA” were analyzed in order to research foreign experience.
Based on the existing world experience, as well as the level of development and use of
modern digital technology, the author has formulated recommendations for improving the current
practice of forming and implementing a budget policy and the budget process.
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