Keywords: non-formal education, quality assessment of non-formal learning, validation, certification.


The article analyzes the main studies in the field of evaluation of the results of non-formal learning in the territory of Ukraine and the European Union. The basic characteristics of the existing methods of evaluation of educational services are separated, the classification of the existing approaches for identifying problems of providing and improving the quality of educational services is revealed. The creation of a separate Committee on the Quality Assessment System for Non-Formal Education in Ukraine is proposed, and a model for assessing the quality level of non-formal education is developed based on the qualitative approach of factor-criteria models. It is revealed that unlike the countries of the European Union, in Ukraine there are no strategic directions that allow to recognize the results of the quality of non-formal education with competencies, which leads to the need for the development and application of appropriate methods in the public and private sectors. The need to elaborate on the technologies of assessment and quality control of non-formal education, the development and specification of educational qualimetry and the effectiveness of evaluating the achievements of learners and the study of methods and properties of criteria that would improve the accuracy of determining the level of achievement in the field of non-formal education. It is established that the existence of a mechanism for recognizing the results of non-formal education in Ukraine indicates a positive shift towards state support for non-formal education


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How to Cite
Yelahin,  V. , & Blagovestov , M. (2020). QUALITY ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR NON-FORMAL EDUCATION IN UKRAINE. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 261-270. https://doi.org/10.34213/ap.20.01.30
Social and Humanitarian Policy