• N. Hryshyna PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Language Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkov
  • M. Bihari Postgraduate Student of Ukrainian Language Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkov
Keywords: human-centric paradigm, speech-communicative competence, public servants, innovations, educational programs.


In modern society, interest in the problem of personality has grown significantly, it has become the subject of research in many sciences. Anthropocentrism is a philosophy of human creation, the activity of which is conditioned by the unity of mind and soul, which explains its relevance. It is through education, first of all, that we began to prepare a person with an innovative type of thinking, culture and ability to innovate.

This fully applies to civil servants who study and improve their skills throughout their professional careers. Thus, based on the principle of “lifelong learning”, the organization of the learning process in general, and improving the language and communication competence of public servants in particular, should be based on anthropocentrism as an anthropological paradigm of European integration humanitarian policy.

At the same time, these approaches should not only be declared, but also be reflected in the methods and training programs, the areas of its improvement are offered: ensuring compliance with the needs of the educational services customer in the field of vocational training; taking into account the tasks, functions and powers of state and local authoritiess (the program should have a practical focus); laying the foundation of modern methods of training specialists, the principle of educational partnership; creating conditions for personal and professional development and self-development of participants in vocational training; anticipation of mechanisms for adjusting the program at any stage; emphasis on critical and analytical learning and understanding; application of modern approaches to adult education, innovative methods of their education; stimulating motivation to learn; formation of the need for lifelong learning, etc.

No less important is the definition of indicators that would demonstrate the success or failure of a specific vocational training program, this is the prospect of further research.


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How to Cite
Hryshyna , N., & Bihari , M. (2020). IMPROVING THE LINGUISTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF PUBLIC SERVANTS: A HUMAN-CENTERED APPROACH. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 219-227.
Public Service: Aspects and Practices