• Yu. Dreval  Doctor in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of Labor Protection and Technogenic and Ecological Safety Department, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv
  • A.  Kuznetsov  PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of the Coordination Department of Scientific Work and Doctoral Studies, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv
  • S.  Zaika  PhD Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv
Keywords: modernization, political modernization, democratization, culture, values of culture.


The question of the dependence of political modernization on socio-cultural development is analyzed. It is noted that in this case it is a question of complex interplay and harmony of both components of social development. It is additionally substantiated that culture is one of the most important regulators of public life. Therefore, social institutions, policies and norms in one way or another reflect the values of culture. It has been stated that systematic shifts in the most important spheres of social and socio-cultural relations should be a reliable basis for successful modernization. It is concluded that systemic shifts in all spheres of social and socio-cultural relations must be successful (with due regard for the pre-existing fact that the process of improving socio-cultural relations must take place gradually and that cultural identities reflect the centuries-old way of life of peoples who cannot be reformed in the usual sense of the word).


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How to Cite
Dreval , Y., Kuznetsov , A., & Zaika , S. (2020). SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS OF POLITICAL MODERNIZATION. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 165-173.
Political and Legal Basis for Public Administration