Under the conditions of global integration and rigorous geopolitical counteraction, the information space becomes the main arena of collisions and struggle of multidirectional national interests of states. In view of this, the information support for the national security turns into a vital problem in the present context.
The theoretical basis for the research in the field of information support for the national security has been laid by the works of such foreign authors as D. Bell, М. Castells, М. МcLuhan, A. Тoffler, as well as domestic scientists О. Bukhtatyi, S. Chukut, О. Кriukov, О. Lohinov, S. Lutsenko, А. Panaryn, H. Pocheptsov, V. Stepanov and others.
The paper objective is exploration of the information support for the national security of the state in the context of using computer technologies which are based on informativeness and informatization, and their impact on state security.
The current stage of human civilization development testifies to the fact that the formed information security parameters, stereotypes and habits, to a large extent, do not conform to the tasks of providing national security. At the same time, information support for the security of Ukraine is closely connected with its being part of technical cooperation worldwide.
In our opinion, the national security concept of Ukraine should also include the concept of the Ukrainian society’s informatization, since the security risks, caused by the lack of modern means of information support for public administration, economy, and social policies, are in large excess over the affordable expenses on their informatization.
In general, the prospects of information security in the sphere of using network communications and the Internet depend largely on a considered state mass communications policy. Practical realization of the liberal theory principles means giving a complete control over e-networks to business entities, which, to our mind, does not fully comply with the existing socio-political needs of the present-day Ukrainian society. This is why a state concept of developing network communications and the Internet should take into account both the available world practices and the national features of using the Ukrainian communications systems. An integrated approach, combining a commercial way to development of network mass communication means with their control on behalf of the state seems quite optimal.
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