Evaluation of Public Development Re- serves Personnel Management
The authors determined the system factors motivation of individuals-workers and employers in increasing the volume of expenditures in the public management of railway transport personnel,
consisting of priority and non-priority enterprises. For employees of railway enterprises - raising the level of their own competitive advantages both in their activities and in the labor market; obtaining
a rent for the uniqueness of the potential public management of personnel and the ef ciency of its capitalization compared to ordinary human capital; advancing along the pyramid of human needs
and satisfying the need for self-realization as its summit; gain con dence in their own socio-economic well-being.
For this, on the basis of the obtained data as a result of assessing the public management railway transport personnel, a correlation and regression analysis the dependence of the ef ciency
indicator of the use public management of railway transport personnel among the factors affecting its quality state was carried out. The performance of the correlation-regression analysis of the linear dependence by the method of step-by-step removal of the least in uential factors made it possible to identify indicators that exercise signi cant in uence and exercise public control on the results of
the study.
Implementation of the developed proposals will increase the intensity of use a working time, productive age, safety and quality of work, innovative activity, improve the system of moral and material
incentives, introduce a system of bonus that will provide not only support but also development of personnel railway transport enterprises; creation of conditions for the operation of high-speed traf c
and development of the system public administration and personnel administration.
Pro skhvalennia Kontseptsii Derzhavnoi prohramy publichnoho upravlinnia zaliznychnoho transportu: rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 27.12.2006 r. № 651-r. (2006). URL: http://odz.gov.ua/people/conseption.asp.
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