Believers in the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches of Kyiv and Moscow Patriarchates: Sociodemographic Differentiation and Political Opinions

  • Olena Bogdan National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2, Skovorody str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine,
Keywords: Ukraine, religion, Orthodox church, survey data, identity, language, political opinions


Based on survey data of Kyiv International Institute of Sociology for May 2016, this article compares believers of the two largest Ukrainian Churches - the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches of Kyiv and Moscow Patriarchates – in their essential sociodemographic characteristics, language preferences, national identity and opinions regarding desired Ukraine’s international policies. Data shows no statistically significant differences in age or urban-rural distributions. There are minor questionable differences in levels of education and income as well as preferred language of communication (significant with probability 0.95 but not 0.99). Despite differences in macroregional distribution, national identity and views on international policy, an overwhelming majority in both Churches consider themselves «only Ukrainian», without combining this identity with Russian or any other. While a noticeable degree of differentiation exists along the lines of Russian identity (not including language preferences) and desired relations with the Russian Federation, this difference can hardly be interpreted as principally divisive since there is a strong support for Ukraine’s independence among adherents of both Churches and noticeable levels of support for various policies within each of them.


Author Biography

Olena Bogdan, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2, Skovorody str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine,

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Sociology Department


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How to Cite
Bogdan, O. (2017). Believers in the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches of Kyiv and Moscow Patriarchates: Sociodemographic Differentiation and Political Opinions. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 38, 41-49. Retrieved from
Empirical Researches of Modern Society