Civil Society: Renaissance of Idea and Contemporary Practices

  • Liudmyla Herasina The Department of Sociology and Political Science Yaroslav Mudryi National Low University, 77, st. Pushkinska, Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine,
  • Viktoriia Pohribna The Department of Sociology and Political Science Yaroslav Mudryi National Low University, 77, st. Pushkinska, Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine,
Keywords: civil society, democratic society, social freedom, civic engagement, civic participation


This article reveals the nature of civil society as a result of the historical maturation of economic, social class, political and spiritual living conditions that promote free activities and realization of private interests of people, their natural rights and freedoms. It says that its purpose, principles and results of activity-oriented practices always liberal and democratic. Civil practice considered as systematic consistently reproducible action of various social actors in the public sphere, which is a form of realization of their interests and capable of positively and / or negatively affect the existing social and political institutions of society. Proved that structural factors that contribute to the formation of new practices of civic participation is to increase the educational level of the population; development of social communications; intensification of political dissent, involving citizens in social associations. The growth of community initiatives and new amateur practices is a real mechanism of social control over the activities of power.


Author Biographies

Liudmyla Herasina, The Department of Sociology and Political Science Yaroslav Mudryi National Low University, 77, st. Pushkinska, Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine,

Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor, Professor of the department sociology and political science 

Viktoriia Pohribna, The Department of Sociology and Political Science Yaroslav Mudryi National Low University, 77, st. Pushkinska, Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine,

Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, professor of the department sociology and political science


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How to Cite
Herasina, L., & Pohribna, V. (2017). Civil Society: Renaissance of Idea and Contemporary Practices. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 38, 7-12. Retrieved from
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology