Ethics as an Attribute of E-learning

Keywords: e-education, information ethics, professional ethics, code of ethics, academic ethics, ethical issues of higher education, ethical infrastructure


In the article, the ethics of e-learning is understood as moral reference points of education, the moral component of the educational process, mediated by modern informational communicative technologies. The author proves that ethics is an important part of e-learning, which faces the task of maintaining moral values, ideals of information society. In the corporate culture of modern organisations, there’s no call for a specialist without moral foundations, the formation of which in terms of e-learning has specificity compared to traditional education. Ethical infrastructure of e-learning is a collection of tools used to regulate improper and to encourage proper behavior of entities, which are included into the electronic learning technologies. The author suggested the following areas of e-learning ethisation: 1) Teaching ethics to students and forming their moral principles through the appropriate courses of professional ethics. 2) Higher educational institutions’ ethical declarations as a mission and ethos. They are designed to promote the importance of ethics as an element of culture, academic integrity, and implement ethical regulation aimed at responsible use of academic freedom. 3) The presence of ethical codes developed considering the specificity of e-learning compared to the traditional one.


Author Biography

Larysa Khyzhniak, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine

Doctor in Sociological Sience, Full Professor, Department of Applied Sociology and Social Communications,


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How to Cite
Khyzhniak, L. (2017). Ethics as an Attribute of E-learning. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 37, 222-226. Retrieved from
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