Students and School Youth Value Orientations Dynamic in Ukraine: From Soviet to European Values

Keywords: value orientations, students, pupils, «modernization» and «post-modernization» value consciousness of studying youth


The article analyzes the results of empirical studies conducted among students and youth during 1998-2015 by the Department of Sociology V. N. Kharkiv National University. Attention is drawn to the «modernization» and the «post-modernization» value consciousness of post-soviet students. The factorial conditionality of these processes is determined. The hierarchy of terminal and instrumental values of contemporary students is analyzed. The comparative analysis of students and pupils valuable discourse from European countries such as Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia is conducted. The author summarizes that under current conditions the value orientation of the Ukrainian population, especially among young people, are undergoing significant changes, closer to the European aksiodiscourse that is the paramount importance for the realization of the European integration intentions of the Ukrainian society.


Author Biography

Liudmyla Sokurianska, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine

Doctor in Sociological Sience, Full Professor, Head of Department of Sociology,


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How to Cite
Sokurianska, L. (2017). Students and School Youth Value Orientations Dynamic in Ukraine: From Soviet to European Values. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 37, 213-221. Retrieved from
Researches of the Problems of Youth and Education