Development of a New Educational Policy as an Essential Condition for the Modernization of Modern Education

  • Valentina Astakhova Kharkov University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”, 27, Lermontovska str., Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine
Keywords: innovative educational policies, social determination and social partnership, dialog communication, creative learning, problem-based approach to management


The optimal ways of development of innovative educational policies both at the state level and within each individual educational institution are considered in the article. The reasons requiring immediate solutions of the associated tasks are formulated and the basic principles and specific lines of action at various stages of the above process are defined. It is concluded  that educational policy at any level should be focused on priority tasks instead of catching up with or copying someone else’s experience of development. While developing an innovative education policy for the next strategic stage, it is necessary to take into account one’s own realistic resources and previous experience with its achievements and failures as well as the experience of other educational institutions or national educational systems. However, quite a significant set of new ideas and original approaches that can ensure not only a substantial improvement of the level of educational process and research activities, but a significant breakthrough in the realization of new tasks and functional duties is required above all. For this purpose, it’s necessary to take into account the fact that the advancement of the innovative education policy is only possible with the engagement as many skilled scientific and pedagogical workers and managers, as well as advanced students and even stakeholders as possible. One of the major tasks of the new educational policy is to empower the above actors with a new way of thinking, unite them and focus them on the objectives to be achieved.


Author Biography

Valentina Astakhova, Kharkov University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”, 27, Lermontovska str., Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine

Doctor in Sociological Science, Full Professor, Rector's Assistant,


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How to Cite
Astakhova, V. (2017). Development of a New Educational Policy as an Essential Condition for the Modernization of Modern Education. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 37, 204-212. Retrieved from
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