Hostility Towards Internal Displaced People: Researchers’ Contribution to its Formation

  • Юлія Георгіївна Сорока Department of Sociology N. V. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: internally displaced people (IDP), hostile perception, discource, cultural mechanisms of power, nomination


Hostility towards internally displaced people in contemporary Ukraine which was fixed by numbers of survey and other kinds of sociological researches understood in this article as an effect of discursive construction of IDP’s identity. Reports by four Ukrainian research organisations about IDPs status have examined as an object for discourse analysis procedure in seeking for answers to following research questions: how the hostile perception is emerging and forming, in what kind of the net of meanings, in competition of which discourses. According to the study the nominations of IDP used in researchers reports are emphasizing their status as object of help and influence, weak and dependent category, victims, socially unsecured groups, «strangers», «internal enemies».  These meanings are supporting by paternalistic discourse of state, discourses of social care and social security, discourses of volunteers, NGOs  and international organisations as source of help. The active status of IDP mainly remains as a wish with the exception of situation when IDP identity replace by religious, ethnic (Crimea tatars) or economic (entrepreneurs). These results allow to illustrate how researchers as actors of academic field take part in formation of discriminative status of IDP. Researchers are producing nomination as one of the cultural mechanisms of power by which current power order reproduces oneself.


Author Biography

Юлія Георгіївна Сорока, Department of Sociology N. V. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Dr Sociological Since, Prof


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How to Cite
Сорока, Ю. Г. (2017). Hostility Towards Internal Displaced People: Researchers’ Contribution to its Formation. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 37, 125-128. Retrieved from
Empirical Researches of Modern Society