Analytical Understanding of the Stages of Institutionalization of Security in Contemporary Western Sociological Thought

  • Lyudmila Kalashnikova Faculty of Sociology Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, 10, 68 Marines Str., Nikolaev, 54003, Ukraine,
Keywords: security sociology, institutionalization, public safety, national security, personal security


The article analyzes the stages of institutionalization of security in contemporary Western sociology sociological thought. In particular, the defined conditions of formation of sociology and social security knowledge of security problems presented in the works of the classics of sociology. It characterized the first period of the security sociology feature of which is the emergence of international security sociology as an independent scientific discipline. As part of this phase are analyzed ideas B. Brodie, H. Kahn, T. Schelling, A. Wohlstetter, A. Wolfers. Outlines the characteristics of the second stage of institutionalization of security Sociology - expanding concepts of the subjective dimension of security, disclosure of social and cultural aspects of the sense of security / insecurity in the mass consciousness in a break with tradition and turbulent social processes. We analyzed the works of K. Booth, R. Jones, B. Buzan, A. Waiver, S. Bauman, A. Giddens, U. Beck, N. Luhmann, P. Sztompka. The prospects of the development of the security of sociology at the third ( modern ) stage, including by expanding the definition of a domain, a new understanding of human security of life caused by the rapid changes in the international relations.


Author Biography

Lyudmila Kalashnikova, Faculty of Sociology Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, 10, 68 Marines Str., Nikolaev, 54003, Ukraine,

PhD in Sociological Science, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology


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How to Cite
Kalashnikova, L. (2017). Analytical Understanding of the Stages of Institutionalization of Security in Contemporary Western Sociological Thought. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 37, 37-44. Retrieved from
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology