Giftedness as a Scientific Concept and a Social and Psychological Phenomenon

  • Elizaveta Podolskaya Kharkiv University of Humanities People's Ukrainian Academy, 27 st. Lermontovsky, Kharkov 61024, Ukraine,
  • Yuliya Eremenko Kharkov Physics and Mathematics Lyceum № 27, 12/14 Marinska St., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Keywords: giftedness, gifted child, personal development, socialization, creative abilities


This article raises the issue of individuals engaging in the practice of the co-presence as an instrument of solidarity production. In today's world, a common space of information and communication creates globally recognizable symbols, which leads to an intensification of sign environment of modern man. Reference to the signs may not include actual meanings, but actualize a variety of identities, form stereotypes of perception and engage individuals in certain practices, one of which is solidarity. Externaly demonstrated symbolic solidarity may imply a much wider range of intentions, than the expression of positive attitude towards others. Thus, we may conclude that there is a fragmentation and «blur» of solidarity in the modern world.


Author Biographies

Elizaveta Podolskaya, Kharkiv University of Humanities People's Ukrainian Academy, 27 st. Lermontovsky, Kharkov 61024, Ukraine,

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Yuliya Eremenko, Kharkov Physics and Mathematics Lyceum № 27, 12/14 Marinska St., Kharkiv, Ukraine,



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How to Cite
Podolskaya, E., & Eremenko, Y. (2016). Giftedness as a Scientific Concept and a Social and Psychological Phenomenon. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 36, 103-107. Retrieved from
Researches of the Problems of Youth and Education