Communicative Practices in the Conditions of Mass Media Space Hybridization: Interdisciplinary Interference as the Epistemological Requirement

Keywords: media space, hybridization, interdisciplinary approach, subjectivity, mass communication


The article is devoted to consideration of how modern information technologies have changed the nature of communicative relations, significantly expanded the possibilities and scope of communicative interaction in the information space. By subordinating their goals and results to these possibilities, in particular, the interpretive possibilities of thinking, it gave birth to a new type of information exchange and communicative relationships, which is associated with the entry into the information society. The transfer of a significant part of information flows to the worldwide Internet makes it difficult to control them by certain social institutions. The hybridization of the media space appears as a problem that is increasingly difficult to investigate within the framework of only one scientific discipline, or even field. Thus, interdisciplinary interference appears as an epistemological requirement of media space research, which can be implemented only if clear principles of an interdisciplinary approach are implemented in the field of studying communicative practices, the use of terminology, and the use of effective methodology, which allows for a real synthesis of cognitive tools. A separate issue is the study of new phenomena of the modern media space, in particular, the contamination of the subjectivity of information exchange in Internet networks and the transformation of traditional mass media audiences into interpretive communities. The emergence of new actors who impersonate themselves in Internet networks and are actually "agents of change" requires sociologists to focus their attention on these new subjects. Large-scale quantitative studies, which were relevant to the mass audiences of traditional media at the end of the last century, no longer give the expected result. The conceptual prerequisites for activating the appeal to the possibilities of interdisciplinarity are the transformations of modern communicative processes, which cause not only an increase in attention to the manifestations of subjectivity on the part of both the media communicator and the recipient, but also the importance of applying an interdisciplinary approach to the multidimensionality of transformations in the modern hybridized media space.


Author Biography

Olga Susska, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, St. 2 Hryhoriya Skovorody, Kyiv, 04655, Ukraine

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of public relations of the social sciences and social technologies faculty




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How to Cite
Susska, O. (2022). Communicative Practices in the Conditions of Mass Media Space Hybridization: Interdisciplinary Interference as the Epistemological Requirement. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, (49), 37-46.
Empirical Researches of Modern Society