The functioning of the social services market in the conditions of war: Challenges and prospects for development (Kharkiv case study)

Keywords: social services, social services market, social service providers, algorithm of social services market formation, social services market in war conditions


The article analyzes the problems of the functioning of the market of social services in Kharkiv city in the conditions of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. A review of scientific publications and research devoted to the analysis of various aspects of the functioning of the domestic market of social services is provided. The author's definitions of the concept of «social services» (a set of measures to assist individuals and social groups who are in difficult life circumstances and cannot overcome them on their own, in order to solve existing problems and improve their lives) and «market of social services» (a system of relations between demand and supply of social services, the field of interaction between those who provide these services (state, municipal, public organizations and institutions), and those who consume them, which ensures overcoming/minimizing difficult life circumstances in which individuals and social groups are located). A brief excursion into the history of the formation and development of the social services market in Kharkiv community is made. The algorithm of formation of the social services market in Kharkiv is considered, in particular: 1) studying the demand for specific social services through the analysis of written and oral appeals of citizens to local authorities, as well as the results of sociological surveys of Kharkiv residents on the studied issue, 2) search for social service providers; 3) determination of opportunities to meet the needs of the population for social services by existing state and municipal social services, as well as public organizations of the city. The problems of the functioning of the social services market of Kharkiv caused by the russian-Ukrainian war are analysed. Numerous examples of overcoming these problems in the first months of this war are given. A conclusion is made about the institutionalization of the social services market of Kharkiv, and its viability under martial law.


Author Biography

Svitlana Gorbunova-Ruban, Kharkiv City Council, 7 Constitution sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine

candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, Kharkiv city deputy mayor on health care and social protection of the population




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How to Cite
Gorbunova-Ruban, S. (2022). The functioning of the social services market in the conditions of war: Challenges and prospects for development (Kharkiv case study). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, (48), 50-56.
Empirical Researches of Modern Society