Studying Integration Processes in Local Labor Communities: Between Interpersonal Communication and Social Structure (Based on the Theories by M. Granovetter, S. Eisenstadt, and A. Honneth)

Keywords: local labor communities, M. Granovetter's, S. Eisenstadt's, and A. Honneth 's theories, interpersonal relationships, social structure, social integration, integrative function of labor


In the article, theoretical provisions by M. Granovetter, S. Eisenstadt, and A. Honneth regarding the interrelation between interpersonal relationships and social structure are analyzed. It is underlined that these provisions can be used for studying transformation processes in local labor communities under the conditions of capitalistic globalization and technological advancement since it is reasonable to suggest that in this situation such communities will gradually lose their integrative function. The selected approaches are reviewed in order to identify the elements of social relations, which they consider the most significant and the ways they connect these elements. Similarities and differences between the discussed theories are analyzed, as well as the possibilities of their integration into a single conceptual framework. A number of aspects of social relations that all the three researchers consider significant are outlined, which are the following: trust, involvement (or active recognition of the counterpart’s social significance), domination / submission relations and the establishment of compliance. The interconnection between these aspects is outlined also. It is concluded that the discussed theories can be integrated without contradictions into a single conceptual framework for studying social integration processes. Moreover, different scopes suggested by the researchers complement each other which allow elaborating a complex notion of these processes. The possibilities of application of such conceptual framework for studying integration processes in local labor communities are discussed. It is argued that it is adequate for studying social transformations resulting from the inconsistencies between physical and social topology. Perspectives of further research are outlined, including the effects of the above on solidarity in labor communities and their social and political agency, as well as the balance between intentionality and contingency in social change.


Author Biography

Mariia Prystupa, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq. 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

PhD student, Department of Sociology


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How to Cite
Prystupa, M. (2022). Studying Integration Processes in Local Labor Communities: Between Interpersonal Communication and Social Structure (Based on the Theories by M. Granovetter, S. Eisenstadt, and A. Honneth). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, (49), 19-25.
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology