The Ukraine's Transition To the Economics of Postindustrial Type as Premise of Development of Mobile Labour Markets

  • Iryna Prybytkova Institute of Sociology, National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor of NaUKMA, 12, Shovkovychna str., Kyiv, 01021, Ukraine
Keywords: tertsiarization of occupations, service economics, employment of postindustrial type, forced unemployment, mobile labor markets, migration attitudes and plans


The paper investigates the Ukraine's transition to the economics of postindustrial type, changing the proportions between basic spheres of population employment. The subject of analysis is the tertsiarization of forms and organizational shapes of economic activity in the basic domains of Ukraine economics in 2001-2018. It is concluded that a final transition of the Ukraine to the tertsiarization of activities at the expense of the deindustrialization is inevitable. The analysis of hired laborers' distribution by the forms of economic activity in the Ukraine in 2000-2018 is a very eloquent evidence of a successive replacement of the second (industrial) sector by the tertiary (service) sector of the national economics. It is supported the opinion of the expert community about impossibility of labor market to satisfy the demand of unemployed population with a job, and especially by place of residence. Special attention is paid to the migration attitudes and plans of Ukrainians. It is stated the fact of essential changes in the migration dynamics this year.


Author Biography

Iryna Prybytkova, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor of NaUKMA, 12, Shovkovychna str., Kyiv, 01021, Ukraine

Doctor of science (Economics), leading research fellow at the department of Social Structures,


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How to Cite
Prybytkova, I. (2019). The Ukraine’s Transition To the Economics of Postindustrial Type as Premise of Development of Mobile Labour Markets. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 42(-), 51-58.
Empirical Researches of Modern Society