Classic Content-Analysis and Text Analysis: Terminological and Methodological Differences

  • Oleg Ivanov Humanitarian Problems Research Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 28b Povitroflotsky Ave., Kyiv, 03049, Ukraine
Keywords: content analysis, text mining, computer content analysis, text data analysis, quantitative content analysis, qualitative content analysis


The paper is devoted to conceptual and methodological review of the method of content analysis in relation to the procedures and techniques of quantitative analysis of text data. The author provides definitions of the terms "methodology", "method", "procedure", "technique" in the context of study of texts in social sciences. The basic terminological field of correlation of "classic" content analysis, "text-mining", "computer content analysis" within the framework of qualitative and quantitative paradigms, "analysis of textual data", "analysis of natural language", "quantitative content analysis", "qualitative content analysis" and the theoretical and methodological background of their application are considered. The world experience of classification of methods of quantitative analysis of texts in social sciences and the existing contradictions between the various schools of content analysis are briefly presented. The necessity to update the requirements to the content analysis research in conditions of transition to the information society and use of computer technology in the study of communication is proved.


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Author Biography

Oleg Ivanov, Humanitarian Problems Research Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 28b Povitroflotsky Ave., Kyiv, 03049, Ukraine

PhDof Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mass Communication, Head of Research Laboratory, Deputy Head of ResearchDepartment of Applied Sociological Research,


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How to Cite
Ivanov, O. (2019). Classic Content-Analysis and Text Analysis: Terminological and Methodological Differences. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1045), 69-74. Retrieved from
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology