The Quality of Higher Education in the Field of Culture and Art in the Assessment of Students

Keywords: higher education in the field of culture and art, the quality of educational services, general scientific knowledge, professional and practical training, employment problems, career


The article deals with the results of sociological study of the quality of higher education in the field of arts and culture in Ukraine. On the basis of students' assessments of the quality of educational services that provide higher education institutions of culture and art, it is concluded that future specialists, according to their estiamets,a very satisfied with the quality of their general scientific knowledge and are dissatisfied with their professional (both theoretical and practical) training. The article also analyzes ideas of graduates about the prospects of their employment and professional career. The necessity of major changes in the system of higher education in the field of culture and the arts, including the urgent need of modernization of the professional training is stressed. Importance of sociological support of the development and implementation of the state program of modernization of education in the field of arts and culture in Ukraine is highlighted.


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Author Biography

Natalia TSIMBALIUK, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01601 Ukraine

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Professor, Department of Social Structures and Social Relations, Faculty of Sociology,


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How to Cite
TSIMBALIUK, N. (2019). The Quality of Higher Education in the Field of Culture and Art in the Assessment of Students. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1053), 162-167. Retrieved from
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