Education as the Matrix of Relationships and Conditions

  • Elisaveta Podolskaya Kharkiv University of Humanities People's Ukrainian Academy, 27 st. Lermontovsky, Kharkov 61024, Ukraine,
  • Viktoriya Nazarkina National University of Pharmacy, 53, ul. Pushkinskaya, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine,
Keywords: availability of education, innovation, spiritual reference points, European quality of education, priorities of education, universal constants, functional frame of education


The article looks into the new problem areas to be mastered by the Sociology of Higher Education with regard to the post-soviet transformations and general civilization changes. Basic characteristics of modern education and its functions are detected. Education is regarded as coalition of ties and relationships, states of changing and stability. The major characteristic features of educational process dynamic are their nonlinearity and rhythm. Innovation is regarded as the state of educational system stability and development. Peculiarities of interpretation of functions of education and predictions of its consequences for social practice are described. Functions of modern education and basic channels of cooperation of education with the society are detected. The article regards a continuous as the fundamental principle of modern educational systems, gives grounds for the conclusion that modem anthropocentric educational paradigm requires a new approach to education subjects and their relationships. This approach is based upon humanizing education oriented towards the formation of a person able of realizing things rather than just knowing them. Social consequences and social challenges of continuous education are considered. It’s pointed, that continuous education creates new social demands, which trigger society to renew itself, to the constructive breakthrough in all spheres of social life. The basic task of monitoring investigation of the educational market and services are analyzed and principles of marketing strategy in the sphere education are formulated.


Author Biographies

Elisaveta Podolskaya, Kharkiv University of Humanities People's Ukrainian Academy, 27 st. Lermontovsky, Kharkov 61024, Ukraine,

Doctor of Sociology Sciences, Professor, Head of the Philosophy Department

Viktoriya Nazarkina, National University of Pharmacy, 53, ul. Pushkinskaya, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine,

PhD of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy


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How to Cite
Podolskaya, E., & Nazarkina, V. (2019). Education as the Matrix of Relationships and Conditions. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, (1101), 199-204. Retrieved from
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