Online Survey in the System of Higher School Sociological Monitoring in Ukraine
The problem of lack of permanent mechanisms for obtaining sociological information in the system of higher education in the Ukraine is considered. Sociological monitoring based on the method of online survey is proposed as the most efficient method to solve the problem. The necessity for its creation is caused by complex processes related to the modernization of higher education in the Ukraine. The features of the online survey method, its differences from traditional methods of data collection are considered in the article. It is shown that online surveys are becoming one of the most popular methods of obtaining information worldwide. Recently, web surveys have become the dominant form of the online surveys. The procedures and possibilities of web survey based on LimeSurvey computer platform as one of the best techniques for sociological monitoring are considered. The article deals with the advantages and possible risks of organization of sociological monitoring of the higher school of Ukraine on the basis of web surveys.
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[Электронный ресурс] WebSurveyMethodology