Protovolonterstvo as a social phenomenon of human life

  • М. B. Козачук
Keywords: protovolonterstvo, volunteering, Ukrainian, war, social change


The article analyzes protovolonterstvo as a special period in the social life of mankind. Volunteering has deep roots and very wide and extensive explanation of the concept. After all, it has become an integral part of the social life of mankind in its ancient and medieval history. In this paper the concept of "protovolonterstvo" is described and the types of protovolonterstva are analyzed.


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How to Cite
КозачукМ. B. (2016). Protovolonterstvo as a social phenomenon of human life. «SOCIOPROSTIR: THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS ON SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK», (5), 36-39. Retrieved from