• Ye.M. Gurjanova
  • L.N. Igisheva
  • A.R. Galeev
Keywords: bronchial asthma, heart rate variability, autonomic nervous system


Heart rate data of 244 healthy and ill children were analyzed for studying features of heart rate variability (HRV) at a bronchial asthma in view of an initial autonomic tone. It is revealed, that bronchial asthma patients are characterized by the parasympathetic initial autonomic tone with hypercholinergic effect of influence on HRV. It is  stablished, that spectral characteristics of HRV (HF, MLF) are markers of pathological autonomic regulation. At loading regulation at bronchial asthma patients was characterized by the increased activation of the sympathetic branch of ANS not depending on an initial autonomic tone. Efficiency of HRVgrathy for diagnostics of autonomic disturbances is shown at a bronchial asthma.


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How to Cite
Gurjanova, Y., Igisheva, L., & Galeev, A. (1). SOME FEATURES OF HRV IN CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (3), 54-58. Retrieved from
Clinical research