• V.V. Nikonov
Keywords: sepsis, pathogenesis, endogenic mediators, antibacterial therapy


It is a lot of problems, bound with a sepsis. In the basis of a pathogenesis of a sepsis the leading role belongs to both exciter, and toxin, developed by him, which one starts the whole stage of pathological processes. The considerable role is allocated to endogenic mediators (cytokines), playing the relevant role in adapting reactings of an organism, at their failure the septic process develops. The reference directions in treatment of this travail are resulted. One of the major moments in treatment of septic process is the antibacterial therapy.


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How to Cite
Nikonov, V. (1). PATHOGENY AND THERAPY OF SEPTIC CONDITION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (4), 62-66. Retrieved from
Clinical research