• А.I. Thsivenko
Keywords: diathermy knife, ultrasonic scalpel, lipid peroxidation, large and small intestine


The results of the intraoperative diathermy knife and ultrasonic scalpel use are presented in the paper. The indices of lipid peroxidation and chemiluminiscentia are explored in the experiment on Shinshilla rabbits and one hour later after the surgical procedure and on the third, seventh, fourteenth, thirtieth day of postoperative period. The gastrotomy performed with the help of a diathermy knife and ultrasonic scalpel leads to considerable activation of lipid peroxidation in tissues by means of free radical lipid oxidation and to reduction of garter tissues resistance for lipid peroxidation that becomes apparent in increase of tiobarbituric acid of active products concentration and chemiluminescence’s intensity evoked by Fe2+, and Н2О2.The ultrasonic scalpel application results in less apparent patologicprocess in the zone of action than the ultrasonic scalpel application that, doubtlessly, leads to more favorable postoperative period and reduces the risk of complications development.


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How to Cite
ThsivenkoА. (1). INFLUENCE OF METHOD OF PHYSICAL DISSECTION OF GASTRIC WALL ON THE PEROXIDATION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (13), 67-71. Retrieved from
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