• L.G. Voronkov
  • N.A. Tkach
Keywords: chronic heart failure with left ventricle systolic dysfunction, prognosis, survival


The aim of present study was to investigate the dependence of survival from clinical and instrumental parameters in patients with chronicle heart failure (CHF) and left ventricle (LV) systolic dysfunction (SD). The database represents 267 CHF patients with impaired ejection fraction (EF £ 40 %) LV systolic function. NYHA status II-IV; ischemic or/and hypertensive – 149 patients (56%) / 55 patients (20,5%), non - ischemic - 63 patients (23,5%). Chronic atrial  fibrillation had 73 patients (27,3%). Definition of survival was performed using Kaplan – Meier method and the method of life tables.  All the calculations were made using the "STATISTICA for Windows. Release 6.0" (section of Survival Analysis).  Cumulative survival in patients with CHF and LV SD during 36th months reflects dependence from іDV, іSV, extent of left atrium, EF of LV, daily heart rate, systolic blood arterial pressure, distance of 6 min walking test and does not depend daily on ventricular ectopy and ventricular tachycardia, daily minimum and maximum on heart rate.


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How to Cite
Voronkov, L., & Tkach, N. (1). SURVIVAL OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONICLE HEART FAILURE AND LEFT VENTRICLE SYSTOLIC DYSFUNCTION DEPENDING ON CLINICAL AND INSTRUMENTAL PARAMETRS (from data of three-year prospective supervision). The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (15), 58-66. Retrieved from
Clinical research