• O. E. Tomina
  • O. Yu. Bichkova
Keywords: hypertension, peptic ulcer alisease, comorbidity, blood pressure control


In out-patient conditions patients with hypertension were investigated (n=99): of which the core group consisted of patients with hypertension (H) comorbid with peptic ulcer (PU) and the comparison group con­sisted of patients with isolated H. In all patients, assessed clinical features (age, level and stage of Н, stage and functional class of heart failure), the spectral indices of heart rate variability (HRV), the types of orthos­tatic responses and circadian blood pressure. Determination of prognostic criteria for effective control of blood pressure in population studied parameters was solved by constructing the equations of dividing func­tions. Prognostically significant parameters for effective control of blood pressure in the group of comorbid disease were age, total power HRV and the index of sympathoparasympatetic balance, the group isolated H – diastolic blood pressure, total power HRV and the index of sympathoparasympatetic balance. Most significant parameter influencing the efficacy of blood pressure control rate was sympathoparasympatetic balance HRV, and the least powerful – the diastolic blood pressure.


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How to Cite
Tomina, O. E., & Bichkova, O. Y. (1). PREDICTING THE EFFICACY OF MONITORING BLOOD PRESSURE IN HYPERTENSION COMORBID WITH PEPTIC ULCER. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (20), 77-82. Retrieved from
Clinical research