• О. Yu. Bychkova
  • V. M. Savchenko
  • O. Е. Tomina
  • A. Yu. Kartvelishviliy
Keywords: clinical pharmacology, hepatoprotectors


Clinical pharmacology of hepatotropic drug in the international system of ATC (anatomic-therapeutic-chemical) drugs classification is described. The classification, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics charac­teristics, indications and principles of using drugs from this group in a therapeutic clinic are repre­sented. Are considered Contraindications, side effects and interactions with other hepatotropic drugs are considered.


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How to Cite
BychkovaО. Y., Savchenko, V. M., TominaO. Е., & Kartvelishviliy, A. Y. (1). THE CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY OF HEPATOTROPIC DRUGS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (22), 94-99. Retrieved from