Impregnation of abrasive tools as a method of improving grinding results
The interaction between the abrasive and the abraded material during grinding is accompanied by a high level of activation of the surface in contact, which initiates, strengthens, and adhesively interacts with the abrasive-metal pair. To reduce the intensity of activation of the surface in contact and further adhesive interaction of the abrasive-metal pair, introduce abrasive-cooling technological media (ACTM) into the cutting zone. Various types of ACTM and methods of their supply to the cutting zone are used. Still, great interest is shown in the method of minimal quantity of butter.
At the current stage, researchers are looking to improve the productivity and economy of the process, the quality and accuracy of the observed viruses. One of the priority areas is increasing the usefulness of abrasive tools. Directions for perfecting an abrasive tool are related to the enhancement of its storage and functional elements: grain, binder, working ball and constructive shaping of the working surface of the stake.
A rational choice of schemes and grinding method has a lot to do with its effectiveness. Promising directions include high-quality grinding, power, clay, profile grinding, etc. However, choosing a rational grinding scheme will not always ensure the effectiveness of the process. As a result, I will change the relief of the working surface of the stake and the mind of the processing.
An important reserve for increasing the effectiveness of the grinding process is to improve the operational characteristics of the equipment, which is indicated by the necessary rigidity, damping properties and vibration resistance.
One of the most extensive methods of delivering microdoses of ACTM to the cutting zone during abrasive processing is the introduction of ACTM directly at the puncture pore (impregnation).
In cites: Skorkin A., Kondratyuk O., Kniazieva V., Kisla D., Shoful K. (2024). Impregnation of abrasive tools as a method of improving grinding results. Engineering, (34), 125-132. (in Ukraine)
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