Features of the process of flat grinding of parts made of hardened alloy steels

Keywords: tool, surface grinding, high-speed machining, machining center, alloy steel


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26565/2079-1747-2024-34-11

Grinding is one of the main methods of mechanical processing that determine the quality of parts manufacturing. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of grinding is a priority task of mechanical engineering.

One of the types of rolling bearings is a ball or roller bearing for linear movement. Significant difficulties arise when processing workpieces of low rigidity of linear bearing guides. When fixing and processing workpieces of linear bearing guides, elastic deformations occur. The size of these deformations may exceed the tolerances for the geometric parameters of the processed surface. After grinding and removing the magnetic field of the machine table, elastic deformations can return a certain amount of deviation to the geometric parameters, which may exceed the specified requirements. Technological methods for eliminating them significantly increase the processing time and cost of the operation.

When grinding parts of low rigidity, it is necessary to take into account the elastic deformations of the workpiece arising from the action of the magnetic field of the machine table and cutting forces. Taking into account elastic deformations will allow guaranteed achievement of geometric accuracy of the part, reduction of time and cost costs for processing. Nevertheless, this issue in grinding prismatic linear guide bearings of low rigidity with limitation of elastic deformations of the workpiece during clamping and processing has not been sufficiently investigated.

In cites: Skorkin A., Kondratyuk O, Starchenko V., (2024). Features of the process of flat grinding of parts made of hardened alloy steels. Engineering, (34), 116-124. https://doi.org/10.26565/2079-1747-2024-34-11 (in Ukraine)



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