Decomposition of technical and economic quality indicators of power plants
The article presents a structural diagram of the decomposition of technical and economic indicators of the quality of power units of thermal and nuclear power plants and the structure of the formation of resource savings. It is shown that the specific value of energy saving in any of the elements of the power plant scheme relative to the total production of electricity by the power unit to which this element belongs can be recommended as a criterion of energy saving efficiency. Data on electricity consumption for the condensing power plant's own needs depending on the capacity of power units, initial parameters of steam and type of fuel are given. It is stated that using the methods of equivalence and decomposition in the study of energy saving, it is possible to develop structural schemes for the formation of efficiency indicators (economical, reliability, etc.) for any technological scheme (system) of an electric station depending on the consumption of primary energy. A significant negative role in solving the problems of energy and resource conservation at thermal and nuclear power plants at the expense of own needs has been identified, which consists in the lack of a methodology for determining the effectiveness of energy-saving technologies in individual systems, subsystems and elements of the technological scheme of power plants and their impact on general plant technical and economic indicators. An analysis of the share of individual units and subsystems in the consumption of electricity for own needs was carried out. The consumption of electricity for own needs is shown depending on the load and parameters of the power unit. A structural scheme for the formation of savings in the production of electricity at a power plant has been developed, which allows evaluating the efficiency and mutual influence of energy-saving technologies in any subsystem and its elements.
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