Analysis of quality indicators of power plants during modernization
The work establishes ratios that allow determining the main quality indicators of power plants during their modernization and reconstruction, which include, first of all, technical and economic indicators, which can form the basis for the analysis of modernization quality indicators. The main causes of fuel overspending during modernization and reconstruction have been determined: forced reduction of energy load due to partial and complete failures of its elements and deterioration of energy characteristics and strength characteristics due to physical and moral wear and tear of equipment. Dependencies that determine the profitability of modernization and reconstruction of power plant equipment are established. The listed costs are the sum of annual costs and regulatory profit, that is, they characterize the cost component of modernization efficiency. Additional fuel consumption that occurs during equipment preservation is determined. It was determined that the deterioration of fuel quality leads to the need to increase lighting with gas or fuel oil. At the same time, an increase in illumination leads to an increase in fuel consumption, which is associated with drying of fuel and spraying of fuel oil. It is shown that the fuel consumption, which is associated with fuel overconsumption during the operation of power units in stable modes of operation with partial failures, depends on the average value of the efficiency. It is stated that the consumption of electricity for own needs largely depends on the mode of operation of the power unit, on its load. Frequent starts and stops of power units, load reduction and increase lead to significant fuel overspending, depending on their frequency and duration. That is, excess fuel consumption depends on the operation of the power unit (during start-up and stoppage) and the number of starts and stops.
In cites: Kanjuk G., Mezerya A., Viter V., Maliuta V., Nasyrov S., (2024). Analysis of quality indicators of power plants during modernization. Engineering, (34), 72-81. (in Ukraine)
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