Approaches to effective engineering quality management of safety assurance of energy facilities
The paper considers approaches to integrated effective quality management of power facilities on the example of nuclear power plants in order to ensure sustainable operation. The paper proposes an engineering management model that includes elements of monitoring and assessment of the technical condition of power equipment, planning of maintenance works based on the assessment results, forecasting of violations of normal operating conditions and, based on these data, management of the life cycle of power equipment and determination of the quality and efficiency of engineering decision-making. The engineering management model is based on an integrated approach that covers all stages of the equipment life cycle. If we consider the technical condition and degradation of equipment on the example of turbine generators as a separate factor affecting the efficient operation of the facility, then the management of equipment damage factors makes it possible to improve both the safety and efficiency of the entire power system.
In cites: Ovcharov, O. & Kotelevets, K. (2024). Approaches to effective engineering quality management of safety assurance of energy facilities. Engineering, (34), 51-60. (in Ukraine)
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