Integration of qualimetric approaches into modern educational information measurement technologies
In the context of continuous information growth and rapid technological advancements, it is particularly crucial to have effective evaluation methods that can ensure a high level of accuracy and objectivity. Qualimetry, focusing on quantitative quality assessment methods, provides a systematic and scientifically grounded approach to analyzing the quality of educational processes and products. The use of qualimetric methods in conjunction with modern information measurement technologies enables more precise and reliable assessments, which are critically important for effective management and improvement of educational systems.
The article explores the integration of qualimetric approaches into modern information measurement technologies. It discusses the potential applications of qualimetric methods to enhance the accuracy and objectivity of assessing the quality of educational processes and products. The basic principles of qualimetry and their technical implementation are described, including the use of statistical methods, mathematical models, and specialized software for data collection, processing, and analysis. The potential of these tools in modernizing educational systems, enhancing quality management efficiency, and creating conditions for continuous process improvement is analyzed. Examples of implementing qualimetric methods are provided to validate their effectiveness and potential.
Qualimetry is considered as the science of quantitative quality assessment, offering efficient tools for analyzing the quality of educational processes and products. The authors investigate the methods and approaches of qualimetry, their technical implementation, and integration into modern information measurement technologies. The integration of qualimetric approaches into information measurement technologies involves the application of statistical methods, mathematical models, and specialized software for data collection, processing, and analysis. This allows for obtaining objective and representative results that can be used for making well-founded managerial decisions. Thus, not only does it enhance the accuracy and objectivity of assessment, but it also creates prerequisites for continuous improvement of the quality of the educational process by identifying strengths and weaknesses, determining directions for improvement, and implementing innovations.
In cites: Hrinchenko, H. S. & Matsko, A. M. (2024). Integration of qualimetric approaches into modern educational information measurement technologies. Engineering, (34), 39-50. (in Ukraine)
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