Influence of electrostatic water-repellent coating of the propeller blades on its aerodynamic characteristics

Keywords: surface quality, screw surface quality assessment, propeller, propeller blade, propeller coating, propeller aerodynamic characteristics



The article presents approaches to the development of a methodology for improving the main aerodynamic characteristics of fixed and variable pitch propellers. The aim of the work is to improve the main aerodynamic characteristics of fixed and variable pitch propellers by applying an electrostatic water-repellent coating to the surface of the blades. The article solves the following tasks: analysis of the main ways to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of an air rotor when using a surface coating that provides improvement of its aerodynamic characteristics, substantiation of the method of reducing the drag of an air rotor, study of the proposed method of reducing the drag of an air rotor when applying an electrostatic water-repellent coating to its blades. The following methods are used: comparative analysis, experimental study.

The results obtained make it possible to reduce the drag of an air rotor and improve its aerodynamic characteristics, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the propeller group and improve its fuel and economic performance. The use of an electrostatic water-repellent coating on the blades of an air rotor makes it possible to improve its aerodynamic characteristics and increase the efficiency of the propeller group. The results of experimental studies have shown that when applying such a coating to the blades of an air rotor, it is possible to obtain greater thrust by reducing its drag and improve the fuel and economic performance of the propeller unit, namely, reduce fuel consumption.

In cites: Solovei I., Kuznietsov V., Cherniak K., Malakhov I., Romashkin D., Kompanets V. (2024). Influence of electrostatic water-repellent coating of the propeller blades on its aerodynamic characteristics. Engineering, (34), 6-16.



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