- ISSN 2079-1747 (Print)
About the Journal
The collection of scientific works "Engineering" of the Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of the V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University has been published since 2007 and contains the results of scientific research on the problems of strength, stability, performance, dynamics of lifting, transport machines and metal-cutting machines, issues of mechanical engineering technology. The collection publishes scientific articles that highlight current issues in the field of mechanical processing of modern materials using high-performance technologies, new methods and measuring devices for quality control of machined surfaces and high-performance cutting tools, metrology and information and measuring equipment. The collection is included in Category B in the fields of science: 13 Mechanical Engineering 131 Applied Mechanics, 132 Materials Science, 133 Industrial Mechanical Engineering, 15 Automation and Instrumentation, specialty 152 Metrology and Information and Measuring Technology, in which the results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor of Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences) may be published, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated March 17, 2020 and No. 320 dated April 7, 2022.
Articles are published in Ukrainian or English.
Publication frequency
Publication frequency - 2 times a year (June/December)