Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Screening Policy

We check all submitted manuscripts by Strike plagiarism software before review process. If plagiarism is detected, the submitted manuscript is rejected.

Before submitting the current issue of the Journal to the academic council,  an official conclusion should be prepared about the absence of plagiarism in this issue of the Journal. This conclusion must be signed by the Editor-in-chief.

Variations of plagiarism are:

  • copying and publication of papers by other authors;
  • verbatim copying of fragments of the text (from a phrase to a set of sentences) from someone else's paper without proper references;
  • making minor corrections to the copied material (reformulation of sentences, changing the order of words in them, etc.) without proper quoting;
  • excessive use of paraphrases. Paraphrase is a retelling of other people's thoughts, ideas, or text in your own words. The essence of the paraphrase consists in the replacement of words (signs), phraseological units or sentences in the use of any author's scientific paper (stored on electronic or paper media, including posted on the Internet).

Plagiarism after publication

If plagiarism is detected after publication, the Journal will conduct an investigation. If plagiarism is found, the journal editorial office will contact the author's institute and funding agencies. The paper containing the plagiarism will be marked on each page of the PDF. Depending on the extent of the plagiarism, the paper may also be formally retracted.

Recommendations for avoiding plagiarism

  • Use quotation marks around words taken verbatim from a source
  • Change no part of quotation within the context of the sentence
  • Use single marks for a quotation within a quotation
  • Use ellipses (a space and three periods) for a part of the quotation omitted.
  • Use brackets around added words
  • Limit the use of direct quotes
  • Attempt to paraphrase the information, or summarize the information derived from a variety of sources using own words