Keywords: financing higher education, financial resources of households, education market


The article determines the importance and purposive character of the program of state social assistance to families with children which has become the basis for the development of proposals for the modernization of higher education financial provision. Ukrainian system of relationships has formed on the traditions of communist ideology of the Soviet times and does not meet the challenges of our time, thus the formation of the national liberal state requires radical reforms in all areas, the central issue of all reforms must be the idea of civil society and freedom, which are impossible without market relations. At this stage, the IMF reports that there is no market system in Ukraine, that is why the creation of a free market is the priority for reforms, and the key issue among them is the creation of a market in education. Taking into account the financial abilities of the state and households, a new model of higher education financial support has been offered, which would solve the issue of higher education accessibility for different social groups. This model includes the stages of accumulating funds, which are formed out of a part of the payments of program for state social assistance to families with children, and voluntary contributions from households for a long time, the stage of the investing these funds, which allows them to remain in the financial market and becomes the basis for the child`s development, as well as the stage of the payment of accumulated funds to finance higher education, which coincides with the entry into higher education.


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How to Cite
Лєщина, Ю. В. (2016). MODERNIZATION OF FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (90), 44-50. Retrieved from
Finance, Banking and Insurance