Local borrowings as a tool for replenishing local budget income

Keywords: the local borrowings, local budget, bonds of local loans, bank loans, the local government


In this article, the essence of local borrowing was formulated and different notions for “local borrowing” were taken into consideration. It is determined that local borrowing is one of the most important sources of replenishment of local budget revenues, which can be directed to the solution of current and long-term problems, as well as the implementation of socio-economic programs of local governments. The relevance of supplementing the local budgets of Ukraine at the expanse of local borrowing within the framework of financial decentralization was noted. It is substantiated that for the effective development of the system of local loans in Ukraine it is necessary to explore and use foreign experience in the formation of the legal and regulatory base of the functioning of the system of local borrowing. It has been researched that the existing legal framework is imperfect and incomplete, which significantly influences the development of the local borrowing institute. The state of the municipal borrowing market in Ukraine has been analyzed. It is established that the level of efficiency of municipal loans to Ukraine is very low. The tasks were introduced that will help to build the effective system of local borrowing regulation. It is revealed that the local borrowing market in Ukraine is still in its initial stage of development and is not fully developed. In connection with this, the main problems of its development are identified, among them: increasing risk of late repayment and payment of debt obligations, reduction of demand for municipal securities due to deterioration of liquidity of financial intermediaries and lack of transparency of information on activity issuers. It is proposed to improve the functioning of the local borrowing market in Ukraine by introducing an appropriate legal framework for the issuance and placement of local loan securities, widening access of local governments to the internal and external borrowing market, and simplifying the procedures for obtaining permits and registering municipal bond issues.


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Author Biographies

Vira Kruhliakova, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Vira Kruhliakova, Ph.D.(Economics), Associate Professor

Veronika Ishchenko, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Veronika Ishchenko, student


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How to Cite
Kruhliakova, V., & Ishchenko, V. (2020). Local borrowings as a tool for replenishing local budget income. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (98), 28-35. https://doi.org/10.26565/2311-2379-2020-98-03