Models of government policy in the sphere of small and medium business support

Keywords: enterprise support program, structural model, information system


The research was conducted with the purpose of developing a model of the state policy for supporting small and medium enterprises in order to use it in the process of creating such programs.

The current business support programs were analyzed; the structural model was formed; the existing methods were applied to this model, and the draft of the information system corresponding to the developed model was worked out.

Following the results of the analysis of the current Support and Development Programs and the development of the model it was revealed that the scope of entrepreneurship support in Ukraine has significant potential for growth both through the exchange of experience between the regions and through the implementation of the achievements of economic science in the activities of the bodies that provide support to small and medium business entities.

In this study, there were used such models and methods as business processes modeling based on BPMN 2.0 notation. (in Aris Express software environment), the development of smart cards (by means of Xmind software product), the design of interfaces in Evolus Pencil software environment), goal setting by SMART criterion, marketing assessment based on AIDA concepts and Sales Funell, financial ratios (including return-on-investment ROI), project management model built up by the methodology of network planning (CPM).

Implementation of the model, tools, and information system will make the state policy more transparent, increase the level of trust of entrepreneurs to the state, and also attract additional resources for supporting the infrastructure for entrepreneurship.

The developed model is a new mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the state policy as it provides the possibility of borrowing economic methods in the field of state regulation of entrepreneurship support. i.e., It will serve to reconcile the efficiency of state regulation and the private one.



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How to Cite
Максимов, М. С. (2018). Models of government policy in the sphere of small and medium business support. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (94), 70-81.