Reform of property relations in Ukraine: theoretical and legal framework, stages, modern problems

  • V. I. Zakharchenko Cherkasy State Technological University, Shevchenka Blvd, 460, Cherkasy, Cherkas'ka oblast, 18000, Ukraine
Keywords: ownership relations, property ownership reform, privatization of state property


The reform of property relations is a key factor in improving the efficiency of the Ukrainian economy. The importance of the institution of ownership in the harmonization of public and private interests is revealed. The aspects of ownership and ownership form are singled out. Features of the transformation of one form of ownership into another, in particular, from the state to private, are based on the theory of privatization. The role of legislative changes in the strengthening of the institute of property and overcoming the monopoly of state property is considered. The principles and methods of privatization of state property objects of different groups are presented. The peculiarities of privatization in Ukraine at each of its stages are analyzed: successes, failures, abuse, etc. On the basis of a retrospective analysis of privatization processes, the sources of modern problems in the field of property relations are identified. The main ones include the following: imperfection and numerous violations of the privatization legislation; privatization of strategically important and efficiently operating state-owned enterprises that poses a threat to national security and negatively affects the state budget; exploitation of the myth of a strategic investor as an effective owner; low use of funds from privatization for investment purposes; "Hidden privatization" of state-owned enterprises and corrupt acts of their leaders; insufficient protection of private property rights, in particular minority shareholders; an imbalance between the property of small and medium-sized businesses, on the one hand, and big business - on the other, which predetermined oligarchization of the economy; the difficult social consequences of privatization processes, including at the regional level.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to search for the best ways to reform the property relations in the context of the Strategy of increasing the efficiency of the business entities of the state sector of the economy.


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How to Cite
Zakharchenko , V. I. (2018). Reform of property relations in Ukraine: theoretical and legal framework, stages, modern problems. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (93), 23-33.