Analysis of the government policy of the reform of electronic health care and medicine of Ukraine

  • Halyna Byshenko Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, 30  Sukhomlynskoho Steet, Pereiaslav, 08401, Ukraine
  • Yevhenii Avtomieienko State Institution «Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of NAMS of Ukraine», 27 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Keywords: public policy, electronic health care, medicine, medical services, electronic tools


The article substantiates the need for transformations of the government policy of electronic healthcare and medicine. The purpose of the article is to determine ways of further reforming electronic health care and providing electronic medical services in Ukraine based on the analysis of the current state of health care. Based on a study of the international experience of assessing the state of the health care sector (The Health Care Index, Global Health Security Index, Global Digital Health Index, Global Digital Health Monitor), it was determined that the health care sector of Ukraine is experiencing rapid growth, focusing on the development of such tools of the government mechanism for the e-health’s development such as health monitoring and organizational support for the provision of medical services. The directions of the government reform of e-health in Ukraine and the possibilities of using e-tools in medicine, medical services in conditions of war are analyzed. It has been proven that the widespread use of electronic tools, the use of medical information to monitor the health of the population and manage the work of the health care system of Ukraine allow for a flexible and quick response to situational management decisions, which determines the importance and necessity of the development of e-health. Under such conditions, the priority direction of the government policy of Ukraine in the field of health care is the further development of e-health, which has great potential for the sustainable development of the country and further European integration.


Author Biographies

Halyna Byshenko, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, 30  Sukhomlynskoho Steet, Pereiaslav, 08401, Ukraine

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration,
Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav,
30  Sukhomlynskoho Steet, Pereiaslav, 08401, Ukraine

Yevhenii Avtomieienko, State Institution «Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of NAMS of Ukraine», 27 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine

PhD, Researcher, Orthopedic traumatologist of the highest category,
State Institution «Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of NAMS of Ukraine»,
27 Bulvarno-Kudryavska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine


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Social and Humanitarian Components of Public Development